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Everything you need to know.


Practice Location

Flanders Park

40 Flanders-Bartley Rd, Flanders, NJ


5:30-7:45 pm: Grades 2-6

 6:00-8:00 pm: Grades 7-8


Click here for our SPIRIT WEEK schedule!




Each team will have one stunt clinic day during regular practice hours. Stunt Clinics will take place at the MOHS multi-purpose room instead of at the field. Please do not drop your cheerleader at the field on their Stunt Clinic day, take them directly to MOHS. 


Stunt Clinic Schedule:

8/12 - PeeWee + JV from 5:30-8:00 p.m.

8/13 - Clinic + Super PeeWee from 5:30-8:00 p.m.

8/14 - Flag + Pre-Clinic from 5:30-8:00 p.m.

8/15 - Varsity only from 5:30-8:00 p.m.



What to wear.

No jewelry.


Hair should be off the face.


Any black shorts.


Yellow t-shirt or red practice tank top.


White cheer sneakers with laces.




What you need to know.

If inclement weather is expected or possible during August practice times, the executive board will make a decision on whether or not to cancel practice, or have it moved indoors by 4 pm. Advisor liaison will be notified, who will in turn notify all advisors of change. The advisors will then pass information along to squads in a timely manner. An email blast will also be sent out, as well as notifications on our facebook page.


Should a storm pop up at the field during practice, the executive board will make the decision on whether or not to cancel practice for that evening. Should that occur, the chain of communication shall be the same. In the event lightning is observed during practice, the athletes must move under the pavilion to await pickup by parents. Advisors MUST remain with their squads until every athlete is picked up.

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